oocommerce' ), /* translators: 1) product name 3) URL to My Subscriptions page 4) Renew product price string */ 'multiple_manage' => __( 'One of your subscriptions for %1$s has expired. %4$s to continue receiving updates and streamlined support.', 'woocommerce' ), /* translators: 1) total expired subscriptions 2) URL to My Subscriptions page */ 'different_subscriptions' => __( 'You have %1$s Woo extension subscriptions that expired. Renew to continue receiving updates and streamlined support.', 'woocommerce' ), ), 'expired', ); $button_link = add_query_arg( array( 'utm_source' => 'pu', 'utm_campaign' => $allowed_link ? 'pu_settings_screen_renew' : 'pu_in_apps_screen_renew', ), self::WOO_SUBSCRIPTION_PAGE_URL ); if ( in_array( $notice_data['type'], array( 'single_manage', 'multiple_manage' ), true ) ) { $button_link = add_query_arg( array( 'product_id' => $notice_data['product_id'], 'type' => 'expiring', ), $button_link ); } return array( 'description' => $allowed_link ? $notice_data['parsed_message'] : preg_replace( '#(.*?)#i', '\1', $notice_data['parsed_message'] ), 'button_text' => __( 'Renew', 'woocommerce' ), 'button_link' => $button_link, ); } /** * Determine whether a specific notice should be shown to the current user. * * @param string $dismiss_notice_meta User meta that includes the timestamp when a store notice was dismissed. * @return bool True if the notice should be shown, false otherwise. */ public static function should_show_notice( $dismiss_notice_meta ) { // Get the current user ID. $user_id = get_current_user_id(); // Get the timestamp when the notice was dismissed. $dismissed_timestamp = get_user_meta( $user_id, $dismiss_notice_meta, true ); // If the notice was dismissed within the last month, do not show it. if ( ! empty( $dismissed_timestamp ) && ( time() - $dismissed_timestamp ) < 30 * DAY_IN_SECONDS ) { return false; } // If the notice was dismissed more than a month ago, delete the meta value and show the notice. if ( ! empty( $dismissed_timestamp ) ) { delete_user_meta( $user_id, $dismiss_notice_meta ); } return true; } /** * Get the notice data for missing payment method. * * @param bool $allowed_link whether should show link on the notice or not. * @param int $total_expiring_subscriptions total expiring subscriptions. * * @return array the notices data. */ public static function get_missing_payment_method_notice( $allowed_link = true, $total_expiring_subscriptions = 1 ) { $add_payment_method_link = add_query_arg( array( 'utm_source' => 'pu', 'utm_campaign' => $allowed_link ? 'pu_settings_screen_add_payment_method' : 'pu_in_apps_screen_add_payment_method', ), self::WOO_ADD_PAYMENT_METHOD_URL ); $description = $allowed_link ? sprintf( /* translators: %s: WooCommerce.com URL to add payment method */ _n( 'Your WooCommerce extension subscription is missing a payment method for renewal. Add a payment method to ensure you continue receiving updates and streamlined support.', 'Your WooCommerce extension subscriptions are missing a payment method for renewal. Add a payment method to ensure you continue receiving updates and streamlined support.', $total_expiring_subscriptions, 'woocommerce' ), $add_payment_method_link ) : _n( 'Your WooCommerce extension subscription is missing a payment method for renewal. Add a payment method to ensure you continue receiving updates and streamlined support.', 'Your WooCommerce extension subscriptions are missing a payment method for renewal. Add a payment method to ensure you continue receiving updates and streamlined support.', $total_expiring_subscriptions, 'woocommerce' ); return array( 'description' => $description, 'button_text' => __( 'Add payment method', 'woocommerce' ), 'button_link' => $add_payment_method_link, ); } }