URL to the plugin provider. * @type string $package URL to the zip file of the new version. * @type array $icons { * A list of plugin’s icon URLs. * * @type string $2x URL to the High-DPI size (png or jpg). Optional. * @type string $1x URL to the normal icon size (png or jpg). Mandatory. * @type string $svg URL to the svg version of the icon. Optional. * } * } */ public function get_latest_version_data() { $request = wp_remote_get( $this->api_url, [ 'timeout' => 30, ] ); if ( is_wp_error( $request ) ) { return $this->get_request_error( [ 'error_code' => $request->get_error_code(), 'response' => $request->get_error_message(), ] ); } $res = trim( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $request ) ); $code = wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $request ); if ( 200 !== $code ) { /** * If the response doesn’t have a status 200: it is an error, or there is no new update. */ return $this->get_request_error( [ 'http_code' => $code, 'response' => $res, ] ); } /** * This will match: * - `||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||`: expired license. * - `|https://wp-rocket.me/i-should-write-a-funny-thing-here/wp-rocket_1.2.3.4-beta2.zip|`: valid license. */ if ( ! preg_match( '@^(?\d+(?:\.\d+){1,3}[^|]*)\|(?(?:http.+\.zip)?)\|(?\d+(?:\.\d+){1,3}[^|]*)(?:\|+)?$@', $res, $match ) ) { /** * If the response doesn’t have the right format, it is an error. */ return $this->get_request_error( $res ); } $obj = new \stdClass(); $obj->slug = $this->get_plugin_slug( $this->plugin_file ); $obj->plugin = plugin_basename( $this->plugin_file ); $obj->new_version = $match['user_version']; $obj->url = $this->vendor_url; $obj->package = $match['package']; $obj->stable_version = $match['stable_version']; /** * Filters the WP tested version value * * @since 3.10.7 * * @param string $wp_tested_version WP tested version value. */ $obj->tested = apply_filters( 'rocket_wp_tested_version', WP_ROCKET_WP_VERSION_TESTED ); if ( $this->icons && ! empty( $this->icons['1x'] ) ) { $obj->icons = $this->icons; } return $obj; } /** * Get the cached version of the latest WPR update data. * * @return \stdClass|\WP_Error { * A \WP_Error object on failure. An object on success: * * @type string $slug The plugin slug. * @type string $plugin The plugin base name. * @type string $new_version The plugin new version. * @type string $url URL to the plugin provider. * @type string $package URL to the zip file of the new version. * @type array $icons { * A list of plugin’s icon URLs. * * @type string $2x URL to the High-DPI size (png or jpg). Optional. * @type string $1x URL to the normal icon size (png or jpg). Mandatory. * @type string $svg URL to the svg version of the icon. Optional. * } * } */ public function get_cached_latest_version_data() { static $response; if ( isset( $response ) ) { // "force update" won’t bypass the static cache: only one http request by page load. return $response; } $force_update = is_string( filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'rocket_force_update' ) ); if ( ! $force_update ) { // No "force update": try to get the result from a transient. $response = get_site_transient( $this->cache_transient_name ); if ( $response && is_object( $response ) ) { // Got something in cache. return $response; } } // Get fresh data. $response = $this->get_latest_version_data(); $cache_duration = 12 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS; if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) { $error_data = $response->get_error_data(); if ( ! empty( $error_data['error_code'] ) ) { // `wp_remote_get()` returned an internal error ('error_code' contains a WP_Error code ). $cache_duration = HOUR_IN_SECONDS; } elseif ( ! empty( $error_data['http_code'] ) && $error_data['http_code'] >= 400 ) { // We got a 4xx or 5xx HTTP error. $cache_duration = 2 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS; } } set_site_transient( $this->cache_transient_name, $response, $cache_duration ); return $response; } /** * Delete WP Rocket update data cache. */ public function delete_rocket_update_data_cache() { delete_site_transient( $this->cache_transient_name ); } /** * Do the rollback * * @since 2.4 */ public function rollback() { if ( ! isset( $_GET['_wpnonce'] ) || ! wp_verify_nonce( sanitize_key( $_GET['_wpnonce'] ), 'rocket_rollback' ) ) { wp_nonce_ays( '' ); } if ( ! current_user_can( 'rocket_manage_options' ) ) { wp_nonce_ays( '' ); } /** * Fires before doing the rollback */ do_action( 'rocket_before_rollback' ); $plugin_transient = get_site_transient( 'update_plugins' ); $plugin_folder = plugin_basename( dirname( WP_ROCKET_FILE ) ); $plugin = $plugin_folder . '/' . basename( WP_ROCKET_FILE ); $plugin_transient->response[ $plugin ] = (object) [ 'slug' => $plugin_folder, 'new_version' => WP_ROCKET_LASTVERSION, 'url' => 'https://wp-rocket.me', 'package' => sprintf( 'https://wp-rocket.me/%s/wp-rocket_%s.zip', get_rocket_option( 'consumer_key' ), WP_ROCKET_LASTVERSION ), ]; $this->event_manager->remove_callback( 'pre_set_site_transient_update_plugins', [ $this, 'maybe_add_rocket_update_data' ] ); set_site_transient( 'update_plugins', $plugin_transient ); require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php'; // translators: %s is the plugin name. $title = sprintf( __( '%s Update Rollback', 'rocket' ), WP_ROCKET_PLUGIN_NAME ); $nonce = 'upgrade-plugin_' . $plugin; $url = 'update.php?action=upgrade-plugin&plugin=' . rawurlencode( $plugin ); $upgrader_skin = new Plugin_Upgrader_Skin( compact( 'title', 'nonce', 'url', 'plugin' ) ); $upgrader = new Plugin_Upgrader( $upgrader_skin ); add_filter( 'update_plugin_complete_actions', [ $this, 'rollback_add_return_link' ] ); rocket_put_content( WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/advanced-cache.php', '' ); $upgrader->upgrade( $plugin ); wp_die( '', // translators: %s is the plugin name. esc_html( sprintf( __( '%s Update Rollback', 'rocket' ), WP_ROCKET_PLUGIN_NAME ) ), [ 'response' => 200, ] ); } /** * After a rollback has been done, replace the "return to" link by a link pointing to WP Rocket's tools page. * A link to the plugins page is kept in case the plugin is not reactivated correctly. * * @since 3.2.4 * * @param array $update_actions Array of plugin action links. * @return array The array of links where the "return to" link has been replaced. */ public function rollback_add_return_link( $update_actions ) { if ( ! isset( $update_actions['plugins_page'] ) ) { return $update_actions; } $update_actions['plugins_page'] = sprintf( /* translators: 1 and 3 are link openings, 2 is a link closing. */ __( '%1$sReturn to WP Rocket%2$s or %3$sgo to Plugins page%2$s', 'rocket' ), '', '', '' ); return $update_actions; } /** * Set plugin option before upgrade. * * @param mixed $return The result of the upgrade process. * @param array $plugin The plugin data. * * @return mixed|WP_Error */ public function upgrade_pre_install_option( $return, $plugin = [] ) { if ( is_wp_error( $return ) || ! $plugin ) { return $return; } $plugin = isset( $plugin['plugin'] ) ? $plugin['plugin'] : ''; if ( empty( $plugin ) || 'wp-rocket/wp-rocket.php' !== $plugin ) { return $return; } set_transient( 'wp_rocket_updating', true, MINUTE_IN_SECONDS ); return $return; } /** * Update plugin option after upgrade. * * @param mixed $return The result of the upgrade process. * @param array $plugin The plugin data. * * @return mixed|string|WP_Error */ public function upgrade_post_install_option( $return, $plugin = [] ) { if ( is_wp_error( $return ) || ! $plugin ) { return $return; } $plugin = isset( $plugin['plugin'] ) ? $plugin['plugin'] : ''; if ( empty( $plugin ) || 'wp-rocket/wp-rocket.php' !== $plugin ) { return $return; } delete_transient( 'wp_rocket_updating' ); return $return; } /** * Displays Renewal notice on the plugins page * * @return void */ public function display_renewal_notice() { $latest_version_data = $this->get_cached_latest_version_data(); if ( is_wp_error( $latest_version_data ) ) { return; } if ( ! isset( $latest_version_data->stable_version ) ) { return; } $this->renewal_notice->renewal_notice( $latest_version_data->stable_version ); } /** * Adds styles for expired banner * * @return void */ public function add_expired_styles() { $latest_version_data = $this->get_cached_latest_version_data(); if ( is_wp_error( $latest_version_data ) ) { return; } if ( ! isset( $latest_version_data->stable_version ) ) { return; } $this->renewal_notice->add_expired_styles( $latest_version_data->stable_version ); } }