', __( 'Please contact your host for assistance with investigating this issue further.' ) ); /** * Filters the debug information included in the fatal error protection email. * * @since 5.3.0 * * @param array $message An associative array of debug information. */ $debug = apply_filters( 'recovery_email_debug_info', $this->get_debug( $extension ) ); /* translators: Do not translate LINK, EXPIRES, CAUSE, DETAILS, SITEURL, PAGEURL, SUPPORT. DEBUG: those are placeholders. */ $message = __( 'Howdy! WordPress has a built-in feature that detects when a plugin or theme causes a fatal error on your site, and notifies you with this automated email. ###CAUSE### First, visit your website (###SITEURL###) and check for any visible issues. Next, visit the page where the error was caught (###PAGEURL###) and check for any visible issues. ###SUPPORT### If your site appears broken and you can\'t access your dashboard normally, WordPress now has a special "recovery mode". This lets you safely login to your dashboard and investigate further. ###LINK### To keep your site safe, this link will expire in ###EXPIRES###. Don\'t worry about that, though: a new link will be emailed to you if the error occurs again after it expires. When seeking help with this issue, you may be asked for some of the following information: ###DEBUG### ###DETAILS###' ); $message = str_replace( array( '###LINK###', '###EXPIRES###', '###CAUSE###', '###DETAILS###', '###SITEURL###', '###PAGEURL###', '###SUPPORT###', '###DEBUG###', ), array( $url, human_time_diff( time() + $rate_limit ), $cause ? "\n{$cause}\n" : "\n", $details, home_url( '/' ), home_url( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ), $support, implode( "\r\n", $debug ), ), $message ); $email = array( 'to' => $this->get_recovery_mode_email_address(), /* translators: %s: Site title. */ 'subject' => __( '[%s] Your Site is Experiencing a Technical Issue' ), 'message' => $message, 'headers' => '', 'attachments' => '', ); /** * Filters the contents of the Recovery Mode email. * * @since 5.2.0 * @since 5.6.0 The `$email` argument includes the `attachments` key. * * @param array $email { * Used to build a call to wp_mail(). * * @type string|array $to Array or comma-separated list of email addresses to send message. * @type string $subject Email subject * @type string $message Message contents * @type string|array $headers Optional. Additional headers. * @type string|array $attachments Optional. Files to attach. * } * @param string $url URL to enter recovery mode. */ $email = apply_filters( 'recovery_mode_email', $email, $url ); $sent = wp_mail( $email['to'], wp_specialchars_decode( sprintf( $email['subject'], $blogname ) ), $email['message'], $email['headers'], $email['attachments'] ); if ( $switched_locale ) { restore_previous_locale(); } return $sent; } /** * Gets the email address to send the recovery mode link to. * * @since 5.2.0 * * @return string Email address to send recovery mode link to. */ private function get_recovery_mode_email_address() { if ( defined( 'RECOVERY_MODE_EMAIL' ) && is_email( RECOVERY_MODE_EMAIL ) ) { return RECOVERY_MODE_EMAIL; } return get_option( 'admin_email' ); } /** * Gets the description indicating the possible cause for the error. * * @since 5.2.0 * * @param array $extension { * The extension that caused the error. * * @type string $slug The extension slug. The directory of the plugin or theme. * @type string $type The extension type. Either 'plugin' or 'theme'. * } * @return string Message about which extension caused the error. */ private function get_cause( $extension ) { if ( 'plugin' === $extension['type'] ) { $plugin = $this->get_plugin( $extension ); if ( false === $plugin ) { $name = $extension['slug']; } else { $name = $plugin['Name']; } /* translators: %s: Plugin name. */ $cause = sprintf( __( 'In this case, WordPress caught an error with one of your plugins, %s.' ), $name ); } else { $theme = wp_get_theme( $extension['slug'] ); $name = $theme->exists() ? $theme->display( 'Name' ) : $extension['slug']; /* translators: %s: Theme name. */ $cause = sprintf( __( 'In this case, WordPress caught an error with your theme, %s.' ), $name ); } return $cause; } /** * Return the details for a single plugin based on the extension data from an error. * * @since 5.3.0 * * @param array $extension { * The extension that caused the error. * * @type string $slug The extension slug. The directory of the plugin or theme. * @type string $type The extension type. Either 'plugin' or 'theme'. * } * @return array|false A plugin array {@see get_plugins()} or `false` if no plugin was found. */ private function get_plugin( $extension ) { if ( ! function_exists( 'get_plugins' ) ) { require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php'; } $plugins = get_plugins(); // Assume plugin main file name first since it is a common convention. if ( isset( $plugins[ "{$extension['slug']}/{$extension['slug']}.php" ] ) ) { return $plugins[ "{$extension['slug']}/{$extension['slug']}.php" ]; } else { foreach ( $plugins as $file => $plugin_data ) { if ( str_starts_with( $file, "{$extension['slug']}/" ) || $file === $extension['slug'] ) { return $plugin_data; } } } return false; } /** * Return debug information in an easy to manipulate format. * * @since 5.3.0 * * @param array $extension { * The extension that caused the error. * * @type string $slug The extension slug. The directory of the plugin or theme. * @type string $type The extension type. Either 'plugin' or 'theme'. * } * @return array An associative array of debug information. */ private function get_debug( $extension ) { $theme = wp_get_theme(); $wp_version = get_bloginfo( 'version' ); if ( $extension ) { $plugin = $this->get_plugin( $extension ); } else { $plugin = null; } $debug = array( 'wp' => sprintf( /* translators: %s: Current WordPress version number. */ __( 'WordPress version %s' ), $wp_version ), 'theme' => sprintf( /* translators: 1: Current active theme name. 2: Current active theme version. */ __( 'Active theme: %1$s (version %2$s)' ), $theme->get( 'Name' ), $theme->get( 'Version' ) ), ); if ( null !== $plugin ) { $debug['plugin'] = sprintf( /* translators: 1: The failing plugins name. 2: The failing plugins version. */ __( 'Current plugin: %1$s (version %2$s)' ), $plugin['Name'], $plugin['Version'] ); } $debug['php'] = sprintf( /* translators: %s: The currently used PHP version. */ __( 'PHP version %s' ), PHP_VERSION ); return $debug; } } - `EP_COMMENTS` * - `EP_DATE` * - `EP_DAY` * - `EP_MONTH` * - `EP_PAGES` * - `EP_PERMALINK` * - `EP_ROOT` * - `EP_SEARCH` * - `EP_TAGS` * - `EP_YEAR` * @param string|bool $query_var Name of the corresponding query variable. Pass `false` to skip registering a query_var * for this endpoint. Defaults to the value of `$name`. */ function add_rewrite_endpoint( $name, $places, $query_var = true ) { global $wp_rewrite; $wp_rewrite->add_endpoint( $name, $places, $query_var ); } /** * Filters the URL base for taxonomies. * * To remove any manually prepended /index.php/. * * @access private * @since 2.6.0 * * @param string $base The taxonomy base that we're going to filter * @return string */ function _wp_filter_taxonomy_base( $base ) { if ( ! empty( $base ) ) { $base = preg_replace( '|^/index\.php/|', '', $base ); $base = trim( $base, '/' ); } return $base; } /** * Resolves numeric slugs that collide with date permalinks. * * Permalinks of posts with numeric slugs can sometimes look to WP_Query::parse_query() * like a date archive, as when your permalink structure is `/%year%/%postname%/` and * a post with post_name '05' has the URL `/2015/05/`. * * This function detects conflicts of this type and resolves them in favor of the * post permalink. * * Note that, since 4.3.0, wp_unique_post_slug() prevents the creation of post slugs * that would result in a date archive conflict. The resolution performed in this * function is primarily for legacy content, as well as cases when the admin has changed * the site's permalink structure in a way that introduces URL conflicts. * * @since 4.3.0 * * @param array $query_vars Optional. Query variables for setting up the loop, as determined in * WP::parse_request(). Default empty array. * @return array Returns the original array of query vars, with date/post conflicts resolved. */ function wp_resolve_numeric_slug_conflicts( $query_vars = array() ) { if ( ! isset( $query_vars['year'] ) && ! isset( $query_vars['monthnum'] ) && ! isset( $query_vars['day'] ) ) { return $query_vars; } // Identify the 'postname' position in the permastruct array. $permastructs = array_values( array_filter( explode( '/', get_option( 'permalink_structure' ) ) ) ); $postname_index = array_search( '%postname%', $permastructs, true ); if ( false === $postname_index ) { return $query_vars; } /* * A numeric slug could be confused with a year, month, or day, depending on position. To account for * the possibility of post pagination (eg 2015/2 for the second page of a post called '2015'), our * `is_*` checks are generous: check for year-slug clashes when `is_year` *or* `is_month`, and check * for month-slug clashes when `is_month` *or* `is_day`. */ $compare = ''; if ( 0 === $postname_index && ( isset( $query_vars['year'] ) || isset( $query_vars['monthnum'] ) ) ) { $compare = 'year'; } elseif ( $postname_index && '%year%' === $permastructs[ $postname_index - 1 ] && ( isset( $query_vars['monthnum'] ) || isset( $query_vars['day'] ) ) ) { $compare = 'monthnum'; } elseif ( $postname_index && '%monthnum%' === $permastructs[ $postname_index - 1 ] && isset( $query_vars['day'] ) ) { $compare = 'day'; } if ( ! $compare ) { return $query_vars; } // This is the potentially clashing slug. $value = ''; if ( $compare && array_key_exists( $compare, $query_vars ) ) { $value = $query_vars[ $compare ]; } $post = get_page_by_path( $value, OBJECT, 'post' ); if ( ! ( $post instanceof WP_Post ) ) { return $query_vars; } // If the date of the post doesn't match the date specified in the URL, resolve to the date archive. if ( preg_match( '/^([0-9]{4})\-([0-9]{2})/', $post->post_date, $matches ) && isset( $query_vars['year'] ) && ( 'monthnum' === $compare || 'day' === $compare ) ) { // $matches[1] is the year the post was published. if ( (int) $query_vars['year'] !== (int) $matches[1] ) { return $query_vars; } // $matches[2] is the month the post was published. if ( 'day' === $compare && isset( $query_vars['monthnum'] ) && (int) $query_vars['monthnum'] !== (int) $matches[2] ) { return $query_vars; } } /* * If the located post contains nextpage pagination, then the URL chunk following postname may be * intended as the page number. Verify that it's a valid page before resolving to it. */ $maybe_page = ''; if ( 'year' === $compare && isset( $query_vars['monthnum'] ) ) { $maybe_page = $query_vars['monthnum']; } elseif ( 'monthnum' === $compare && isset( $query_vars['day'] ) ) { $maybe_page = $query_vars['day']; } // Bug found in #11694 - 'page' was returning '/4'. $maybe_page = (int) trim( $maybe_page, '/' ); $post_page_count = substr_count( $post->post_content, '' ) + 1; // If the post doesn't have multiple pages, but a 'page' candidate is found, resolve to the date archive. if ( 1 === $post_page_count && $maybe_page ) { return $query_vars; } // If the post has multiple pages and the 'page' number isn't valid, resolve to the date archive. if ( $post_page_count > 1 && $maybe_page > $post_page_count ) { return $query_vars; } // If we've gotten to this point, we have a slug/date clash. First, adjust for nextpage. if ( '' !== $maybe_page ) { $query_vars['page'] = (int) $maybe_page; } // Next, unset autodetected date-related query vars. unset( $query_vars['year'] ); unset( $query_vars['monthnum'] ); unset( $query_vars['day'] ); // Then, set the identified post. $query_vars['name'] = $post->post_name; // Finally, return the modified query vars. return $query_vars; } /** * Examines a URL and try to determine the post ID it represents. * * Checks are supposedly from the hosted site blog. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @global WP_Rewrite $wp_rewrite WordPress rewrite component. * @global WP $wp Current WordPress environment instance. * * @param string $url Permalink to check. * @return int Post ID, or 0 on failure. */ function url_to_postid( $url ) { global $wp_rewrite; /** * Filters the URL to derive the post ID from. * * @since 2.2.0 * * @param string $url The URL to derive the post ID from. */ $url = apply_filters( 'url_to_postid', $url ); $url_host = parse_url( $url, PHP_URL_HOST ); if ( is_string( $url_host ) ) { $url_host = str_replace( 'www.', '', $url_host ); } else { $url_host = ''; } $home_url_host = parse_url( home_url(), PHP_URL_HOST ); if ( is_string( $home_url_host ) ) { $home_url_host = str_replace( 'www.', '', $home_url_host ); } else { $home_url_host = ''; } // Bail early if the URL does not belong to this site. if ( $url_host && $url_host !== $home_url_host ) { return 0; } // First, check to see if there is a 'p=N' or 'page_id=N' to match against. if ( preg_match( '#[?&](p|page_id|attachment_id)=(\d+)#', $url, $values ) ) { $id = absint( $values[2] ); if ( $id ) { return $id; } } // Get rid of the #anchor. $url_split = explode( '#', $url ); $url = $url_split[0]; // Get rid of URL ?query=string. $url_split = explode( '?', $url ); $url = $url_split[0]; // Set the correct URL scheme. $scheme = parse_url( home_url(), PHP_URL_SCHEME ); $url = set_url_scheme( $url, $scheme ); // Add 'www.' if it is absent and should be there. if ( str_contains( home_url(), '://www.' ) && ! str_contains( $url, '://www.' ) ) { $url = str_replace( '://', '://www.', $url ); } // Strip 'www.' if it is present and shouldn't be. if ( ! str_contains( home_url(), '://www.' ) ) { $url = str_replace( '://www.', '://', $url ); } if ( trim( $url, '/' ) === home_url() && 'page' === get_option( 'show_on_front' ) ) { $page_on_front = get_option( 'page_on_front' ); if ( $page_on_front && get_post( $page_on_front ) instanceof WP_Post ) { return (int) $page_on_front; } } // Check to see if we are using rewrite rules. $rewrite = $wp_rewrite->wp_rewrite_rules(); // Not using rewrite rules, and 'p=N' and 'page_id=N' methods failed, so we're out of options. if ( empty( $rewrite ) ) { return 0; } // Strip 'index.php/' if we're not using path info permalinks. if ( ! $wp_rewrite->using_index_permalinks() ) { $url = str_replace( $wp_rewrite->index . '/', '', $url ); } if ( str_contains( trailingslashit( $url ), home_url( '/' ) ) ) { // Chop off http://domain.com/[path]. $url = str_replace( home_url(), '', $url ); } else { // Chop off /path/to/blog. $home_path = parse_url( home_url( '/' ) ); $home_path = isset( $home_path['path'] ) ? $home_path['path'] : ''; $url = preg_replace( sprintf( '#^%s#', preg_quote( $home_path ) ), '', trailingslashit( $url ) ); } // Trim leading and lagging slashes. $url = trim( $url, '/' ); $request = $url; $post_type_query_vars = array(); foreach ( get_post_types( array(), 'objects' ) as $post_type => $t ) { if ( ! empty( $t->query_var ) ) { $post_type_query_vars[ $t->query_var ] = $post_type; } } // Look for matches. $request_match = $request; foreach ( (array) $rewrite as $match => $query ) { /* * If the requesting file is the anchor of the match, * prepend it to the path info. */ if ( ! empty( $url ) && ( $url !== $request ) && str_starts_with( $match, $url ) ) { $request_match = $url . '/' . $request; } if ( preg_match( "#^$match#", $request_match, $matches ) ) { if ( $wp_rewrite->use_verbose_page_rules && preg_match( '/pagename=\$matches\[([0-9]+)\]/', $query, $varmatch ) ) { // This is a verbose page match, let's check to be sure about it. $page = get_page_by_path( $matches[ $varmatch[1] ] ); if ( ! $page ) { continue; } $post_status_obj = get_post_status_object( $page->post_status ); if ( ! $post_status_obj->public && ! $post_status_obj->protected && ! $post_status_obj->private && $post_status_obj->exclude_from_search ) { continue; } } /* * Got a match. * Trim the query of everything up to the '?'. */ $query = preg_replace( '!^.+\?!', '', $query ); // Substitute the substring matches into the query. $query = addslashes( WP_MatchesMapRegex::apply( $query, $matches ) ); // Filter out non-public query vars. global $wp; parse_str( $query, $query_vars ); $query = array(); foreach ( (array) $query_vars as $key => $value ) { if ( in_array( (string) $key, $wp->public_query_vars, true ) ) { $query[ $key ] = $value; if ( isset( $post_type_query_vars[ $key ] ) ) { $query['post_type'] = $post_type_query_vars[ $key ]; $query['name'] = $value; } } } // Resolve conflicts between posts with numeric slugs and date archive queries. $query = wp_resolve_numeric_slug_conflicts( $query ); // Do the query. $query = new WP_Query( $query ); if ( ! empty( $query->posts ) && $query->is_singular ) { return $query->post->ID; } else { return 0; } } } return 0; }