_persistent() && $resolve ) { ++$this->resolved; $this->clear_dismissal( $notification ); } unset( $notifications[ $index ] ); $this->notifications[ $user_id ] = array_values( $notifications ); $this->notifications_need_storage = true; } /** * Removes a notification by its ID. * * @param string $notification_id The notification id. * @param bool $resolve Resolve as fixed. * * @return void */ public function remove_notification_by_id( $notification_id, $resolve = true ) { $notification = $this->get_notification_by_id( $notification_id ); if ( $notification === null ) { return; } $this->remove_notification( $notification, $resolve ); $this->notifications_need_storage = true; } /** * Get the notification count. * * @param bool $dismissed Count dismissed notifications. * * @return int Number of notifications */ public function get_notification_count( $dismissed = false ) { $notifications = $this->get_notifications_for_user( get_current_user_id() ); $notifications = array_filter( $notifications, [ $this, 'filter_persistent_notifications' ] ); if ( ! $dismissed ) { $notifications = array_filter( $notifications, [ $this, 'filter_dismissed_notifications' ] ); } return count( $notifications ); } /** * Get the number of notifications resolved this execution. * * These notifications have been resolved and should be counted when active again. * * @return int */ public function get_resolved_notification_count() { return $this->resolved; } /** * Return the notifications sorted on type and priority. * * @return array|Yoast_Notification[] Sorted Notifications */ public function get_sorted_notifications() { $notifications = $this->get_notifications_for_user( get_current_user_id() ); if ( empty( $notifications ) ) { return []; } // Sort by severity, error first. usort( $notifications, [ $this, 'sort_notifications' ] ); return $notifications; } /** * AJAX display notifications. * * @return void */ public function ajax_get_notifications() { $echo = false; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing,WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized -- Reason: We are not processing form data. if ( isset( $_POST['version'] ) && is_string( $_POST['version'] ) ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing,WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized -- Reason: We are only comparing the variable in a condition. $echo = wp_unslash( $_POST['version'] ) === '2'; } // Display the notices. $this->display_notifications( $echo ); // AJAX die. exit; } /** * Remove storage when the plugin is deactivated. * * @return void */ public function deactivate_hook() { $this->clear_notifications(); } /** * Returns the given user ID if it exists. * Otherwise, this function returns the ID of the current user. * * @param int $user_id The user ID to check. * * @return int The user ID to use. */ private static function get_user_id( $user_id ) { if ( $user_id ) { return $user_id; } return get_current_user_id(); } /** * Splits the notifications on user ID. * * In other terms, it returns an associative array, * mapping user ID to a list of notifications for this user. * * @param array|Yoast_Notification[] $notifications The notifications to split. * * @return array The notifications, split on user ID. */ private function split_on_user_id( $notifications ) { $split_notifications = []; foreach ( $notifications as $notification ) { $split_notifications[ $notification->get_user_id() ][] = $notification; } return $split_notifications; } /** * Save persistent notifications to storage. * * We need to be able to retrieve these so they can be dismissed at any time during the execution. * * @since 3.2 * * @return void */ public function update_storage() { $notifications = $this->notifications; /** * One array of Yoast_Notifications, merged from multiple arrays. * * @var Yoast_Notification[] $merged_notifications */ $merged_notifications = []; if ( ! empty( $notifications ) ) { $merged_notifications = array_merge( ...$notifications ); } /** * Filter: 'yoast_notifications_before_storage' - Allows developer to filter notifications before saving them. * * @param Yoast_Notification[] $notifications */ $filtered_merged_notifications = apply_filters( 'yoast_notifications_before_storage', $merged_notifications ); // The notifications were filtered and therefore need to be stored. if ( $merged_notifications !== $filtered_merged_notifications ) { $merged_notifications = $filtered_merged_notifications; $this->notifications_need_storage = true; } $notifications = $this->split_on_user_id( $merged_notifications ); // No notifications to store, clear storage if it was previously present. if ( empty( $notifications ) ) { $this->remove_storage(); return; } // Only store notifications if changes are made. if ( $this->notifications_need_storage ) { array_walk( $notifications, [ $this, 'store_notifications_for_user' ] ); } } /** * Stores the notifications to its respective user's storage. * * @param array|Yoast_Notification[] $notifications The notifications to store. * @param int $user_id The ID of the user for which to store the notifications. * * @return void */ private function store_notifications_for_user( $notifications, $user_id ) { $notifications_as_arrays = array_map( [ $this, 'notification_to_array' ], $notifications ); update_user_option( $user_id, self::STORAGE_KEY, $notifications_as_arrays ); } /** * Provide a way to verify present notifications. * * @return array|Yoast_Notification[] Registered notifications. */ public function get_notifications() { if ( ! $this->notifications ) { return []; } return array_merge( ...$this->notifications ); } /** * Returns the notifications for the given user. * * @param int $user_id The id of the user to check. * * @return Yoast_Notification[] The notifications for the user with the given ID. */ public function get_notifications_for_user( $user_id ) { if ( array_key_exists( $user_id, $this->notifications ) ) { return $this->notifications[ $user_id ]; } return []; } /** * Get newly added notifications. * * @return array */ public function get_new_notifications() { return array_map( [ $this, 'get_notification_by_id' ], $this->new ); } /** * Get information from the User input. * * Note that this function does not handle nonce verification. * * @param string $key Key to retrieve. * * @return string non-sanitized value of key if set, an empty string otherwise. */ private static function get_user_input( $key ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized,WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing -- Reason: We are not processing form information and only using this variable in a comparison. $request_method = isset( $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] ) && is_string( $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] ) ? strtoupper( wp_unslash( $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] ) ) : ''; // phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized -- Reason: This function does not sanitize variables. // phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Recommended,WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing -- Reason: This function does not verify a nonce. if ( $request_method === 'POST' ) { if ( isset( $_POST[ $key ] ) && is_string( $_POST[ $key ] ) ) { return wp_unslash( $_POST[ $key ] ); } } elseif ( isset( $_GET[ $key ] ) && is_string( $_GET[ $key ] ) ) { return wp_unslash( $_GET[ $key ] ); } // phpcs:enable WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing,WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing,WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized return ''; } /** * Retrieve the notifications from storage and fill the relevant property. * * @param int $user_id The ID of the user to retrieve notifications for. * * @return void */ private function retrieve_notifications_from_storage( $user_id ) { if ( $this->notifications_retrieved ) { return; } $this->notifications_retrieved = true; $stored_notifications = get_user_option( self::STORAGE_KEY, $user_id ); // Check if notifications are stored. if ( empty( $stored_notifications ) ) { return; } if ( is_array( $stored_notifications ) ) { $notifications = array_map( [ $this, 'array_to_notification' ], $stored_notifications ); // Apply array_values to ensure we get a 0-indexed array. $notifications = array_values( array_filter( $notifications, [ $this, 'filter_notification_current_user' ] ) ); $this->notifications[ $user_id ] = $notifications; } } /** * Sort on type then priority. * * @param Yoast_Notification $a Compare with B. * @param Yoast_Notification $b Compare with A. * * @return int 1, 0 or -1 for sorting offset. */ private function sort_notifications( Yoast_Notification $a, Yoast_Notification $b ) { $a_type = $a->get_type(); $b_type = $b->get_type(); if ( $a_type === $b_type ) { return WPSEO_Utils::calc( $b->get_priority(), 'compare', $a->get_priority() ); } if ( $a_type === 'error' ) { return -1; } if ( $b_type === 'error' ) { return 1; } return 0; } /** * Clear local stored notifications. * * @return void */ private function clear_notifications() { $this->notifications = []; $this->notifications_retrieved = false; } /** * Filter out non-persistent notifications. * * @since 3.2 * * @param Yoast_Notification $notification Notification to test for persistent. * * @return bool */ private function filter_persistent_notifications( Yoast_Notification $notification ) { return $notification->is_persistent(); } /** * Filter out dismissed notifications. * * @param Yoast_Notification $notification Notification to check. * * @return bool */ private function filter_dismissed_notifications( Yoast_Notification $notification ) { return ! self::maybe_dismiss_notification( $notification ); } /** * Convert Notification to array representation. * * @since 3.2 * * @param Yoast_Notification $notification Notification to convert. * * @return array */ private function notification_to_array( Yoast_Notification $notification ) { $notification_data = $notification->to_array(); if ( isset( $notification_data['nonce'] ) ) { unset( $notification_data['nonce'] ); } return $notification_data; } /** * Convert stored array to Notification. * * @param array $notification_data Array to convert to Notification. * * @return Yoast_Notification */ private function array_to_notification( $notification_data ) { if ( isset( $notification_data['options']['nonce'] ) ) { unset( $notification_data['options']['nonce'] ); } if ( isset( $notification_data['message'] ) && is_subclass_of( $notification_data['message'], Abstract_Presenter::class, false ) ) { $notification_data['message'] = $notification_data['message']->present(); } if ( isset( $notification_data['options']['user'] ) ) { $notification_data['options']['user_id'] = $notification_data['options']['user']->ID; unset( $notification_data['options']['user'] ); $this->notifications_need_storage = true; } return new Yoast_Notification( $notification_data['message'], $notification_data['options'] ); } /** * Filter notifications that should not be displayed for the current user. * * @param Yoast_Notification $notification Notification to test. * * @return bool */ private function filter_notification_current_user( Yoast_Notification $notification ) { return $notification->display_for_current_user(); } /** * Checks if given notification is persistent. * * @param Yoast_Notification $notification The notification to check. * * @return bool True when notification is not persistent. */ private function is_notification_persistent( Yoast_Notification $notification ) { return ! $notification->is_persistent(); } /** * Queues a notification transaction for later execution if notifications are not yet set up. * * @param callable $callback Callback that performs the transaction. * @param array $args Arguments to pass to the callback. * * @return bool True if transaction was queued, false if it can be performed immediately. */ private function queue_transaction( $callback, $args ) { if ( $this->notifications_retrieved ) { return false; } $this->add_transaction_to_queue( $callback, $args ); return true; } /** * Adds a notification transaction to the queue for later execution. * * @param callable $callback Callback that performs the transaction. * @param array $args Arguments to pass to the callback. * * @return void */ private function add_transaction_to_queue( $callback, $args ) { $this->queued_transactions[] = [ $callback, $args ]; } /** * Removes all notifications from storage. * * @return bool True when notifications got removed. */ protected function remove_storage() { if ( ! $this->has_stored_notifications() ) { return false; } delete_user_option( get_current_user_id(), self::STORAGE_KEY ); return true; } /** * Checks if there are stored notifications. * * @return bool True when there are stored notifications. */ protected function has_stored_notifications() { $stored_notifications = $this->get_stored_notifications(); return ! empty( $stored_notifications ); } /** * Retrieves the stored notifications. * * @codeCoverageIgnore * * @return array|false Array with notifications or false when not set. */ protected function get_stored_notifications() { return get_user_option( self::STORAGE_KEY, get_current_user_id() ); } }